Step by Step Supports, Helping Seniors ease into life in Canada
Senior Progam Overview
The SCFS strives to reduce seniors stress by hosting multiple social events throughout the year. The Center raises awareness for the seniors to come out and join the programs in order to have fun, make new friends and meet old ones.
The SCFS strives to reduce seniors stress by hosting multiple social events throughout the year. The Center raises awareness for the seniors to come out and join the programs in order to have fun, make new friends and meet old ones.
Our goals are to:
- Provide essential services to help reduce isolation
- Provide information sessions regarding different health issues
- Weekly exercise program at three different locations
- Provide information about diet and healthy eating
- Provide telephone call assurances
- Settlement and integration for new seniors

- Phone Calls for Self-living Seniors
- Interpretation Services
- Healthy Living Workshops
- Gentle Exercise Classes
We offer FREE on-going phone support for seniors by providing the community support needed. Our regular calls provide more than the opportunity for medication reminders, check-ins and referrals to services and programs in their community. We also focus on offering clients a chance to be heard by our social workers who provide emotional support, companionship and a sense of community. We are able to be there for them even when friends and family can’t.
We offer seniors who have difficulty understanding either French or English the opportunity to free translation services. Whether its immigration services, housing information, or medical appointments, the SCFS offers language aid in an effort to allow seniors to go about their day-to-day lives with relative ease.
We offer a variety of workshops throughout the year providing information and education for seniors on health and wellness. We provide yearly workshops on diabetes, breast cancer screening, healthy eating, and foot care.
For more information please check our calendar of events or contact Kaltoun Mussa at 613-526-2075 ext. 234
This is a low impact class for seniors that consist of muscle strengthening and flexibility exercises. Get fit, meet other seniors and have fun!
We offer our exciting programs in two locations:
Location: 1909 Russell Rd
Program Time: Each Monday, 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Instructor: Halima Musse at 613-526-2075 Ext 229
Location: 1680/1660 Walkley Rd
Program Time: Each Wednesday 10:30 am – 11:30 am
Instructor: Halima Musse at 613-526-2075 Ext 229